Investing in Communities - S.O.S_HELP
S.O.S_HELP is our privilege2invest in communities within Countries, Cities, Towns and Villages
Saving Our Society within our community will HELP people coming together with needs.
An Array of Benefits
- Helping the communities
- Social life... with interaction within the community that take place at specific times, within the routines of the day, the month, and the year.
- Community spirit.... to bring people together to advocate and support each other in the fight to overcome daily life,a sense of belonging as we build relationships.
- We will send 100% of all monies collected to committee treasurer's.
- Note: We are not a charity we invest in communities
- Syndicate Partners HELP YOUR local communities
Start with £250 while increasing up to £2,000 Investment- £20,000 RETURN
- Helping Commuity Spirit
- Cost of living has increased to such a level it's an issue for everyone increasing any investment 10 fold upwards will make a difference LOOK BELOW - MONTHLY COSTS NOW PRIVILEG2INVEST
- Rent/Mortgage £1,000 £ 100
- Rates £1,000 £ 100
- Energy £1,000 £ 100
- Food £1,000 £ 100
- Sundries £1,000 £ 100 LIKE GOING BACK IN TIME HAPPY DAYS